Love Italy
Obvioulsy these flowers love the sun as they were thiriving last time we passed by St...
Coundon Remembrance Rose Garden
A Remembrance Rose garden has been completed by Bloom volunteers beside St James Church in Coundon....
Capital Inspiration
Bloom Volunteer Cllr Joy Allen couldn’t resist capturing these lovely window boxes that were proudly displayed...
Coundon / Its Your Neighbourhood Grant
Coundon Bloom volunteers Nicky Hughes and Joan Hall submitted a bid to DCC in December 2017...
Blooms 4 Bees
Want to help out one of mother natures best friends? Why not pop along up your...
Towns Join Forces to Promote Bloom
Residents, businesses and community groups from Bishop Auckland and Coundon came together with the aim of...
Kynren Visitors Welcomed with Flowers
10s of 1000s of visitors were given a colourful welcome in Toronto, Bishop Auckland as they...
Creative Artist Paints Bishop Auckland Town
Talented local artist Susanna Santos (Facebook Susana Santos Arte) origianally form Spain, Susana regularly paints beautiful...
The Fallen Remembered
3000 crocheted and knitted poppies were beautifully made by members of The King James Women’s...
Bishop Auckland Horticulture Show
Bishop Auckland and Condon in Bloom volunteers attended the popular Horticulture Show which was held in...