Why we need bees!

We all know the stories about the birds and the bees… Well, if we don’t pick up our game, soon there won’t be any bee stories left to tell.All over Europe bees are dying because of excessive farming. More precisely, because of the poisonous substances used in pesticides. We are already short of 13 million hives to satisfy the pollination of crops in Europe. Unless we stop using these substances 84% of plant species and 76% of our food production might be wiped out. We join the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament in calling for a ban on pesticides containing neonicotinoids and other dangerous substances!

Posted by Europe Together on Sunday, 4 March 2018

Make your VOTE Count, SIGN up and support this campaign TODAY!

In hours the EU could TOTALLY BAN bee-killing pesticides! France, the UK, Germany and 9 other countries are in favour, but we need to get four more on board to win the vote. This is down to the wire. Every signature counts!

Join me here: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/save_the_bees_neonics_loc_ns/?email

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